How to get your ex back and move forward is a difficult thing to figure out when someone has been hurt. Most likely it was both of you who were hurt and both of you who did the hurting. Forgiveness is essential to any relationship being mended and has to happen if you want to know how to win your ex back.
Learning how to get your ex back is going to involve learning humility on both sides. Being selfish is what got your relationship in trouble at the beginning. You decided that the individual was more important than what you two had as a couple.
People make mistakes

If you have had the wrong thing said or done to you, think of the context. What was going on around that time that made things as bad as what it got? Was there something going on in one of your lives outside of the relationship that brought unnecessary strain?
If you can recognize what it was you have a chance to learn how to get your old love back.
Can you forgive them?

If you hurt someone dear to you, you need to suck in your pride as well. Realize that you made a mistake. Take responsibility for your actions. If it is important to you to know how to get your old love back then you have to realize that there are things that you are going to have to correct in the way that you handle situations. If there is some problem or mistake that you keep making, get counseling or some kind of help.
Don't expect that you can continue to do the same thing over and over and expect different results.
"I'm sorry"
Our goal
If we help even ONE family stay together we maybe changing one child's life...and who knows what great things that one child may accomplish?
If you would like some more great information on how to win your ex back.....
I have a friend named T. W. Jackson. T Dub authored a simple, down to earth step by step guide called The Magic Of Making Up. Take a look I think you'll like it.
If you would like some more great information on how to win your ex back.....
I have a friend named T. W. Jackson. T Dub authored a simple, down to earth step by step guide called The Magic Of Making Up. Take a look I think you'll like it.